5 Blog posts that will double your website traffic

There are specific types of blog posts that generate traffic and attract readers. Every blog post should be helpful, provide value and have a purpose. 

Your content should be specific to your niche and target your audience. Lets learn about the different topics that interest people and generate high traffic. 

Transitioning from topic to topic gives your readers a variety and a diverse selection of content to choose from. 

I have provided you with 6 different types of posts that are sure to attract readers and bring people to your blog.

The secrets post

Do you have a few secrets on how to succeed at something? If you do, share them! Everyone wants to learn the secret recipe on how to accomplish something great. 

You can also create catchy headlines with this type of post so your readers are enticed to click on it quickly.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links which means if you make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products that I absolutely love!

This type of post lets your audience into your life on a deeper level. They learn more about your experiences and what means the most to you. The goal is to build relationships with your readers and have them connect with you on a personal level. 

This builds strong trusting relationships with your audience. When you prove yourself as a genuine trustworthy person, business will follow. 

The list post

Lists are very popular in the blogging world and on social media. Keep in mind that long lists get the most attention. Share your expertise by providing your readers with an ultimate checklist or a list of great ideas. 

The purpose of a list is to provide your readers with a large amount of valuable information into a condensed list. They can then use this list to take action. Lists are helpful to your readers because they are structured and easy to follow. 

Everyone loves simple things. I recommend offering your audience a PDF version that they can print for their reference. A lot of people like to add resources to their organizer or put them on their desk to refer to when needed.

A blog post series

Writing a series of blog posts is beneficial because you are able to take one huge post and split it up into multiple posts. Blog series also encourage your audience to read every post which increases your sales and page views. 

Your main goal is to get people to your site to read your content. The more traffic you generate, the more Google will trust you. If people are clicking on your posts regularly, Google will start prioritizing you first in their search engine results. To learn top techniques on how to increase your website traffic see our article: How to bring people to your blog.

The how-to post

How-to posts are very popular and successful in generating website traffic. These types of posts are incredibly valuable because they teach your readers how to do something new. 

How-to posts are geared towards problem-solving and people soak them up. Put yourself in the shoes of your audience. 

If you needed help doing something and you found a post telling you how to accomplish it, would you read it? You can never have too many how-to posts so write away! 

The tools post

Tools posts are one of the best types of affiliate posts! Affiliate marketing is very profitable and one of the best ways to make money blogging.  I recommend using Amazon Associates as your affiliate program. It is totally free! 

Let’s say you are writing a post on how to do a certain project. You then have the opportunity to list the tools you will need to accomplish it. Every tool you suggest can be turned into an affiliate link. 

I suggest listing as many tools as possible so your readers have a wide variety to choose from. You are the expert in your field and offering the right tools can significantly help your reader find a solution. Problem solving is the biggest gift you can offer your audience.

The purpose of this type of post is to give your readers the right tools to solve a problem they have. A tools post is similar to a list of resources. To make your post even more valuable, it is beneficial to make a related resource list.

Publish Content Regularly

Above all else, make sure you are publishing content regularly. Consistency is key. The more consistent you are in writing blog posts, the more Google will rank your site as credible. However, don’t overwhelm yourself and think you need to constantly push out new content. 

After you first launch your blog, two posts a week is sufficient. Remember, it’s not about quantity, its about quality. You may have 20 blog posts but perhaps only five of them provide a lot value. Those five posts are going to be the ones that generate traffic while the other 15 will be overlooked.

Among the many awesome post types, these are in my top 10! I encourage you to start by picking two of these and mastering them. Once you start creating attention grabbing valuable content, your traffic will grow quickly.

To learn how to create content that will generate high volume traffic see my Ebook, How to Create a Blog: The 7 Vital Steps.