I share my story and health challenges with all of my clients because I realize that I have the ability to help someone else change their lifestyle like I changed mine! 

Eight years ago I was overweight and depressed. While I was pregnant with my first child, I ate constantly and had the mindset “I’m eating for two so why keep track”. 

After giving birth I was shocked at how much weight I gained and extremely frustrated when I wasn’t able to lose it easily. Everyone told me that it would fall off after having the baby and to not worry. However, here I was, 200 lbs and the weight wasn’t going anywhere. 

I wanted to cry and I started staying home most of the time. Even when I tried dieting, I eventually gave up because I wasn’t seeing any results. After a year I had hit an all-time low and started having the “I don’t care” attitude. Although, deep down I really did care and I cared a lot. 

After another bout of searching the internet for new diets, I came across Beachbody. I was discouraged at the time and clicked on the site thinking it would bring me to some new diet fad that I would have to pay big bucks for. After reading through everything and navigating their site, 

I had become intrigued. Beachbody offered a program where I could eat what I wanted without counting calories and they also offered a way to eliminate my sweet cravings.


What is the Portion fix Meal System?

Beach Body offers hundreds of full-length workouts and programs with specially designed meal plans for each program. It is overwhelming searching for recipes and planning from scratch, which is why designated daily meal plans are extremely helpful. The meal plans are simple and easy which makes life a lot easier when you are busy. 

A special portion control container system was created that has given thousands of women’s success in weight loss. This incredible system portions and measures your food for you. 

The portion fix system contains 7 color-coded containers, that quickly portions out exactly how much to eat for every meal. Each container corresponds to an essential food and macronutrient group and is sized to deliver just the right amount of food your body requires. 

There’s no complicated math, guessing, or weighing. The system is simple portion control that anyone can do. 

 The portion control containers include:  

  • 1 Green container – Veggies
  • 1 Purple container – Fruits 
  • 1 Red container – Proteins 
  • 1 Yellow container – Carbs 
  • 1 Blue container – Healthy Fats 
  • 2 Orange containers – Seeds & Dressings 

All about beachbody on demand

Beachbody on demand is a platform created for you to access all of your workouts at any time. As long as you have internet and a device, you are good to go! 

On-demand provides you with access to ALL Beachbody fitness programs 24 7. This includes 1,100 workouts, countless meal plans, nutritional guides, workout calendars, and other important resources. You will also have access to your very own membership library which keeps track of your workouts.

In addition to the workouts, you will have access to other videos such as the Beachbody yoga studio, fixate cooking show and 3-week yoga retreat. Download the app to your phone and track your progress!



Shakeology 101

Shakeology is a shake packed with nutrient dense superfoods and protein that provide the body with phytonutrients, enzymes, adaptogens, fiber, pre and probiotics, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Many people use it as a meal replacement in their diet because of its ability to curb appetite and keep the body full longer. 

The ingredients in Shakeology are whole food-based which provides you with the best nutrition possible. It does not contain artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors or preservatives. 

It is a simple fact that we do not eat an adequate amount of vegetables or fruit, but we instead grab foods that are fast and easy to make. These foods are heavily processed and lose their nutritional value along the way. 

The majority of our body functions on empty calories. Shakeology contains nutritious ingredients that are delicious and both quick and easy to provide your body with.  

What are some of the main benefits Shaekology provides?

Curbs sweet cravings: In my personal health journey, using Shakeology to curb my cravings was an incredible benefit. I used to experience intense sugar and carb cravings which resulted in excessive weight gain. 

Shakeology comes in a variety of flavors and I found that the chocolate flavor completely eliminated my strong cravings. Because my cravings were gone, I was able to decrease my sugar intake tremendously.  

Decreases appetite: My main fear when I started Shakeology was that I would not stay full after drinking it. There is nothing more frustrating than counting calories and constantly feeling hungry in between meals. I was pleasantly surprised by how full I felt after drinking Shakeology and I now supplement with it every day. 

Shakeology tastes great with almond milk, water or nonfat milk. You can add different foods to your shake to make it even more delicious. My personal favorites to add to the chocolate vegan flavor are peanut butter and/or bananas with granola. There are a variety of flavors and you have a lot of options to play around with!  

Improves energy: Another amazing benefit of Shakeology is that it improves your energy after drinking it. A lot of the time we grab quick and easy meals that make us feel sluggish. These meals are loaded with junk and empty calories. 

The majority of the time we do not look at the nutritional labels in detail and end up fueling our body with all of the wrong nutrients. Shakeology fuels your body for the day and makes for an excellent breakfast as well as post workout or lunch meal  


Are you interested in changing your life like I did? I would love to be apart of your journey! All of the tools above come in a challenge pack that set you up for success from the very start. To get all of this goodness click the button below.

If you have any questions I would love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out to me anytime!